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SmartCatalonia Lab: pilot plan with zero emissions in the city of Girona

15 octubre 2020 - 13:30 // 14:20

The City Council of Girona has launched a pilot plan for smart and zero-emission parcels in the city with the installation of smart mailboxes on public roads to distribute packages through electric vehicles.

This is a pioneering project for Catalonia, developed within the SmartCatalonia Laboratory, promoted by The Ministry for Digital Policy and Public Administration, with the collaboration of the City Council and the company Smart Point Girona.

This afternoon, the mayoress of Girona, Marta Madrenas; the Minister for Digital Policy and Public Administration, Jordi Puigneró, and the company’s CMO, Ignasi Martín, presented the new system

15 octubre 2020
15 octubre 2020