A toolset for hyper-realistic and XR-based human-human and human-machine interactions

Coordinated by i2CAT Foundation

Started at: 01-01-2024
Ends on: 31-12-2026

Budget: € 8 521 645.00 (EU Funding € 7 655 707.50)

Areas: Media Internet Area (MIA), Project Management Office (PMO)


PRESENCE (A toolset for hyper-realistic and XR-based human-human and human-machine interactions) will reach the next level of realism for XR devices and applications, focusing on a human-centred approach and enhancing the impact of immersive human-to-human and human-machine interactions, delivering a toolset of technologies such as holoportation, haptics and virtual humans, integrated and demonstrated in XR professional and social setups, analysed in user studies. The goal is to improve our daily lives by revolutionising the way we work, communicate and, in general, how we participate in social activities. i2CAT coordinates the project, which brings together 17 European partners, including research centres, universities and technological companies.

One of the key aspects of PRESENCE is to digitalize and transfer humans into shared virtual worlds, simultaneously and with multiple people remotely connected, offering a more intuitive and realistic experience. For that, researchers will develop a photorealistic multiuser holoportation system for multiple users in real-time communications scenarios. The system requires improving the current volumetric video compression technologies for live communications.

The second key aspect of the project is to enrich XR experiences at a multisensory level by exploring novel haptic technologies, enabling remote interactions among users and between users and objects. Toward this goal, researchers will develop novel tactile tracking and capturing systems to interpret properties such as form, texture or velocity.

Finally, PRESENCE aims at generating realistic 3D humanoid models for intelligent virtual agents and embodied smart avatars. Especially the latter, will be used to realistically represent humans in the virtual world. Such models require AI-powered intelligent virtual humans (e.g., via human speech, facial expression, gaze, body language, etc.), allowing natural appearances and physically realistic behaviours in the virtual world.

The technologies developed within PRESENCE will be validated in realistic scenarios, targeting XR applications for professional and social setups and addressing four use cases in professional collaboration, manufacturing, health, and cultural heritage.

Estimated impact

More than 60% of the consortium members aim to productize and integrate the developed toolset in their service offerings, resulting in new commercial opportunities and an increased market share and competitive edge for XR made in Europe.

By focusing on industrial and societal applications in combination with AI, 3D, and XR technologies, PRESENCE secures a positive impact on the EU’s digital inclusiveness and sovereignty.

Through our human-centred approach, PRESENCE will be engineered with input from historical, cultural, normative, and emotionally intelligent values. This way, technology’s ability to reframe and learn how to know better is optimised.

Scientific & Technological
PRESENCE facilitates the rapid creation of new innovations and the improvement of older technologies. In addition to the tangible innovation impact that use cases will provide, they will also foster unexplored research fields, such as studies of QoE, haptics, and subjective analysis of modern XR experiences.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or [name of the granting authority]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Project co-financed by the EC under Grant Agreement No 101135025