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“Satellites and 5G” industry briefing day workshop

27 noviembre 2019

i2CAT Foundation takes part in the in the SaT5G Industry day event held in Surrey, UK, in the framework of H2020 SaT5G project.

The workshop will showcase live 5G demos over real satellite networks, bringing the importance of satellite for 5G applications to life. The workshop will present project research findings, concepts and key innovations, as well as several software and hardware demonstrators of SaT5G’s plug-and-play solutions for satellite integration with 5G networks, including live satellite links. The demos will also showcase satellite links being incorporated in 5G use-cases developed in the project, including:

  • Backhaul to fixed 5G base-stations
  • Connection to moving platforms
  • Multi-casting to the network edge
  • Multi-linking in broadband connection to premises

i2CAT asset “Terrestrial and Satellite Resource Coordination Framework” or, in short, TALENT will be tested as part of the “connection to moving platforms” demo. TALENT is a coordination solution that supports end-to-end services composed of satellite, transport, radio access and cloud/edge computing resources. It is in-line with 3GPP and ETSI definitions, extending them towards satellite systems.

Click here to see the full agenda.

27 noviembre 2019
27 noviembre 2019
SaT5G Project
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