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Col·laboratori Cat Sud Presentation
11 June 2020 - 11:00 // 12:30
Presentation event for Col·laboratori Cat Sud, an initiative promoted by the Department for Digital Policy and Public Administration of the Government of Catalonia with the support of the i2CAT Foundation.
In recent months, the Cat Sud Collaboratory has advanced in the definition and construction of new structures for digital social innovation: labs and collaboratories. Currently, these structures are key for the socio-economic reactivation and the change of paradigm that we need both globally and as a country, to face the global pandemic and a subsequent socio-economic crisis that adds to the ecological crisis, as well as others.
Labs and regional collaboratories become mechanisms of change to weave the future together.
During this meeting, attendees will learn about the experience of the Col·laboratori Catalunya Sud, about labs and real experiences of cooperation.
The event will be online.
11:00 – 11:15 Welcome
- Noemí Llauradó Sans, President of the Diputació de Tarragona
- Maria José Figueras, Rector of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili
- Jordi Puigneró, Minister for Digital Policy and Public Administration of the Government of Catalonia and president of the i2CAT Foundation
11:15 Presentation of the Cat Sud project
- Artur Serra, deputy director of the i2CAT Foundation
11:30 Deployment of Demos and future projects
Moderator: Josep M. Miró, social innovation consultant, i2CAT Foundation
- Lab de Labs (Anna Segarra, Fundació URV)
- FabLab Terres de l’Ebre (Lala Escrivà, Amposta Empresa)
- Interiors Living Lab by CENFIM (Jaisiel Madrid, CENFIM)
- CoEbreLab Ribera d’Ebre (Albert Pujol, CC Ribera d’Ebre)
- Ciutat Sàvia Colab (Karina Simieli, Associació Ciutat Sàvia)
- Professora innovadora, laboral (Francesc Roca, Centre de Recerca, Innovació i Transferència de Coneixement de Tarragona)
- Social Lab/DataLab Tarragona (David Gateu, Tarragona Impulsa)
- Strategy, URV Labs (Jordi Cartanyà, Fundació URV)
- Joint projects (Jaisiel Madrid, CENFIM)
- Training (Jordi Colobrans, Fundació i2CAT)
12:20 The Cat Sud project in the future
- Sergi Figuerola, CTIO Fundació i2CAT
12:25 Closing
- Joana Barbany, Director General for Digital Society of the Government of Catalonia
12:30 Virtual Coffee
This event is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the Programa Operatiu FEDER de Catalunya 2014-2020 and under the “Impuls de la Transformació Digital i Mobile” project (GO10-010783)