Latest Past Events

MWC 2025

Fira de Barcelona Gran Via Av. Joan Carles I, 64, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat

The world’s largest and most influential connectivity event, Mobile World Congress Barcelona, is back, and i2CAT will attend again with a booth to showcase the power of advanced digital technologies.

ISE 2025

Fira de Barcelona Gran Via Av. Joan Carles I, 64, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat

Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is the world's leading event for the AV and systems integration industries, which brings together professionals and companies within the field of technology in the media […]


Barcelona New Economy Week – BNEW és un esdeveniment B2B físic i digital que reuneix esdeveniments singulars dels sectors d'Aviació, Indústria Digital, Mobilitat, Sostenibilitat, Talent, Salut i Experiència. Tots ells […]

Contact Us

C\ Gran Capità 2-4 Edifici Nexus I
2ª planta 08034 Barcelona
Ph. (+34) 93 553 25 10
Fax. (+34) 93 553 25 20
Email: [email protected]

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