Session #DIHs begins: Services and benefits for SMEs and success stories (block I)
Eunice Ribeiro, Manager of the EC R&I Policy and Strategy Area at i2CAT, coordinated the organization of this event and moderates it.
Eunice Ribeiro, Manager of the EC R&I Policy and Strategy Area at i2CAT, coordinated the organization of this event and moderates it.
This first cycle of OEIAC seminars will begin in May and will include the participation of prestigious speakers who will discuss the risks and opportunities represented by the increasingly widespread implementation of artificial intelligence in our daily lives.
This first 5G for CAM conference will bring together a variety of EU-funded projects in the area of CAM, to share their experiences and present results with a view towards deployment. As Horizon 2020 is open to international participation, the event will also provide an opportunity to address a broader global perspective. The project 5GMed […]
The presentation event of the 5G Catalunya Central Area will take place at the Ramon Montanyà Hall of L'Atlàntida. Rosa Paradell, Manager of the Innovation Business Development Area (Public Sector), will be at the presentation of this new area, framed in the 5G Areas project of the i2CAT Foundation. The 5G Catalunya Central Area is […]
Rosa Paradell, Director of the Innovation Business Development Area (Private Sector) of the i2CAT Foundation, will participate in 2021's World Telecommunications Day. You can see the agenda and register here.
Catalonia Smart Drones invites companies and individuals to participate in the intersectoral workshop on drone technology, framed in the European project Aerial Uptake. The project will be presented and the workshop will consist of overcoming legal and social obstacles of the drone sector in Catalonia. The results of the dynamics will be considered and transferred […]
Transatlantic lab between Barcelona and Boston to propose innovative solutions with XR technologies to reduce the negative impact of long-term pediatric patients (and families) experience at the hospital and make it as pleasant as possible. Participants will work in teams of 6 (3 based in Barcelona and 3 based in Boston) over a weekend with […]
Rosa Paradell, directora d'Innovació i Desenvolupament de Negoci per al sector públic, i Jara Forcadell, Programe Manager de l'Àrea 5G, participaran en aquest workshop emmarcat en el projecte de les Àrees 5G. L'acte s'emetrà en streaming al Youtube de Polítiques Digitals.
Shuaib Siddiqui, director of the Software Networks Area, will participate in a panel at the BEREC Workshop on 5G, discussing the pace of innovation in 5G services, representing the 5GZORRO project point of view. More information and registration here.
i2CAT sponsors the workshop about federated and fractionated satellite systems workshop. On the 1st of June, Daniel Camps (Mobile Wireless Internet), Joan Adrià Ruíz-de-Azúa (Space Communications), Timo Kellermann (Mobile Wireless Internet), Giovanni Rigazzi (Mobile Wireless Internet), Pol Guixé (Digital Innovation Management Office) will participate in various activities. Sergi Figuerola, CTIO of the i2CAT Foundation, will […]
The areas of digitization, industry, or space will be key within Horizon Europe. In this session, the main trends set by the European Commission in aspects such as the green and digital transition of the industry or the evolution of the space industry will be discovered. The funding mechanisms that Horizon Europe will offer in […]
Les àrees de la digitalització, la indústria o l’espai seran claus dins l’Horizon Europe. En aquesta sessió descobriràs les principals tendències que marca la Comissió Europea en aspectes com la transició verda i digital de la indústria o l’evolució de la indústria de l’espai. A més, també coneixeràs els mecanismes de finançament que oferirà l'Horizon […]
Jesus Alonso Zarate, from the i2CAT Foundation Area EC R&I Policy and Strategy, will be a speaker at the 5G Realised event. Format - 3 speakers, 30 minutes, ‘fireside chat’, 3-5 minute opening remarks each, followed by group discussion What will the research community be delivering over the next few years? Deployment today vs. evolution […]
Durant aquest acte, organitzat pel CIDAI, es presentarà la implementació de prototips i proves de concepte d’avantguarda (desenvolupades per socis de CIDAI durant el 2020) que validen una aplicació pràctica de tecnologies innovadores d’IA i de Dades en àmbits d’interès de l’estratègia CATALONIA.AI. Per cada Prova de Concepte es farà una breu presentació dels objectius, […]
Dr. Shuaib Siddiqui, director of the Software Networks Area, will participate in a panel at the "BEREC Workshop on 5G", discussing the pace of innovation in 5G services, representing the 5G ZORRO project point of view.
5G-CLARITY is organizing the virtual expert panel ‘Private Networks: Challenges, Technical Innovations, and Beyond 5G Roadmap’. Content Outline: – MNOs and Private 5G Networks – A Perfect Catalyst for Industry Digitisation – High Precision Indoor Localisation for Beyond 5G – Private Networks in Beyond 5G Roadmap – 5G-CLARITY Innovations Beyond 3GPP Release-16 Daniel Camps Mur, […]
Obrir és la iniciativa col·laborativa basada en blockchain que vol obrir Catalunya, impulsada pel Centre Blockchain de Catalunya i per entitats i institucions que han treballat per reobrir l'economia de manera segura i controlada aquests últims mesos, amb l'objectiu de poder reprendre activitats que encara estan aturades, o fortament castigades, per les restriccions de la […]
The 2021 Joint EuCNC & 6G Summit, initiated this year, builds on putting together two successful conferences in the area of telecommunications: EuCNC (European Conference on Networks and Communications), in its 30th edition of a series, supported by the European Commission; the 6G Summit, in its 3rd edition, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in […]
8-10-15 juny Test de jocs de Realitat Virtual amb I2Cat 17-18-19 juny Test de jocs de Analògics amb Neàpolis
La Jornada Internacional Data Feminism abordarà la incorporació de la perspectiva de drets de les dones a les tecnologies basades en dades, per tal de divulgar i potenciar el seu ús per a un model social més equitatiu i sostenible. S'exposaran els reptes i oportunitats per a les dones, en un context d’acceleració de la […]