VRDays Europe 2018

VR Days Europe is a three-day conference and exhibition focussed on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality (XR) content, creativity and innovation. i2CAT's H2020 projects ImAc and VRTogether are attending and demonstrating their results.

Smart City Expo World Congress

A unique meeting spot for smart city sectors and an innovative platform for urban action worldwide

ICT 2018

i2CAT's participation at ICT 2018 altogether with 3 live demos of its projects VrTogether, ImAc and 5GCity


"Wireless on-demand network systems and services have become pivotal in shaping our future networked world. Starting as a niche application over Wi-Fi, they can now be found in mainstream technologies like Bluetooth LE, LTE Direct and Wireless LANs, and have become the cornerstone of upcoming networking paradigms including mesh and sensor networks, the Internet of […]

Celebració del Dia Internacional del Dron

Poliesportiu Municipal de Pins Vens C/ Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, Sitges

El  Dia Internacional del Dron mostra per 5è any la utilitat i els beneficis d'aquests aparells. Centenars d'equips de tot el món celebren esdeveniments per educar els que estan fora de la comunitat d'avions no tripulats sobre les moltes possibilitats d’utilitzar els drons per millorar la societat.

TNC19 Forging Digital Societies

TNC is the largest and most prestigious European research and education networking conference. It brings together decision makers, managers, networking and collaboration specialists, research organisations, universities and worldwide sister institutions.

EuCNC 2019

Join us at EuCNC 2019, the 28th edition of a successful series of a conference in the field of telecommunications sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and the European Association for Signal Processing.

SmartCatalonia Challenge Award Ceremony

Fira de Barcelona Montjuïc Avinguda de la Reina Maria Cristina, s/n, Barcelona

SmartCatalonia Challenge wraps up its 4th edition and it is time to know who will will the possibility of carrying out a pilot test at the Port of Barcelona and which companies win prizes worth € 10,000. Get to know best 10 projects of this year’s competition! The finalists will have the opportunity to defend […]

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C\ Gran Capità 2-4 Edifici Nexus I
2ª planta 08034 Barcelona
Ph. (+34) 93 553 25 10
Fax. (+34) 93 553 25 20
Email: [email protected]

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