Introducció al Blockchain organitza un curs de dos dies, en horari de 16 a 19:30h, sobre Blockchain. S'analitzarà què és, com funciona, quines variants hi ha, com es pot implementar i quin […] organitza un curs de dos dies, en horari de 16 a 19:30h, sobre Blockchain. S'analitzarà què és, com funciona, quines variants hi ha, com es pot implementar i quin […]
The conference will discuss the remaining challenges in the standardisation landscape for Cybersecurity in light of the new Act. The consequences for policy makers, industry, citizens, certification bodies, and the […]
"The Connected Smart Cities Conference (CSCC) is the place for cities, policy-makers, researchers, and businesses to come together and to connect to the forefront of human-centric societal development of technologies, […]