BxCAT: La fira Catalana de Blockchain i Metaversos

En la tercera edició del BxCat (Blockchain per Catalunya), l'Ignasi Oliva, Blockchain Innovation Manager, moderarà una taula rodona on es debatrà sobre blockchain i metaversos, amb la participació de: Eva Domínguez, doctora en periodisme immersiu i directora creativa de contingut AR Vincent Lamarca, responsable de metaversos i noves realitats a Fundació Nord Alan Navarro, Business […]

GEANT TNC23 – Presentation of SIEVA at the Paris Workshop

Nil Ortiz, senior researcher at the Cybersecurity area of i2CAT, and Albert Calvo, research engineer at the Distributed Artificial Intelligence area, will present the project "SIEVA: SIEM Visibility Assessment", a tool to identify what information your SIEM is receiving and what TTPs can be detected with it during the GEANT Cloud Framework side meeting managed […]

Últim dia convocatòria NUCLIS R+D Empresarial 2023 d’ACCIÓ

Ets una empresa catalana del sector TIC i vols crear o millorar un producte o servei amb tecnologies digitals avançades?Aquesta convocatòria d'ajuts d'ACCIÓ és per a tu: NUCLIS R+D Empresarial 2023. A i2CAT, com a centre TECNIO, estem acreditats i podem actuar com el teu equip de R+D beneficiant-te fins al 100% dels nostres costs, en […]

EuCNC & 6G Summit

6G for a Green and Digital Transition The 2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit builds on putting together two successful conferences in the area of telecommunications: EuCNC (European Conference on Networks and Communications), supported by the European Commission, and the 6G Summit, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in Finland, one of the very first in […]

5G-PPP: The value generated for Europe

A dedicated panel of the experts that have led this work from multiple positions (SB and TB chairs, 5G PPP WG chairs), will provide their insight about the results of the 5G PPP Programme, as well as the lessons learned so that the continuation framework (i.e., Smart Networks and Services) will provide even better results. […]

Special Session 1: 5G for CAM in cross-border scenarios: challenges and lessons learnt

To get the CAM (Connected Automated Mobility) services off the ground in Europe the seamless 5G continuity has to be guaranteed and particularly whilst crossing the border between the coverage areas. The ICT-53: 5G for CAM projects (5G-Blueprint, 5GMED, 5GRoutes, 5GRAIL) are focussed on the validation of the latest available 5G specification in the context […]

Paper presentation: Inter-Satellite Link Prediction for Non-Terrestrial Networks Using Supervised Learning

Paper presented by Estel Ferrer Torres (DAI); Josep Escrig (DAI); Joan Adria Ruiz-de-Azua (Space Comms) Distributed Space Systems (DSS) are becoming increasingly popular in the space industry as they integrate advancements in 6G and Non-Terrestrial Networks concepts to offer innovative and efficient solutions for satellite communication and data transmission. In those DSS where communication between […]

Paper Presentation: DQN-Based Intelligent Application Placement with Delay-Priority in Multi MEC Systems

Paper presented by Juan Sebastian Carmargo of Software Networks. In 5G Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is critical to bring computing and processing closer to users and enable ultra-low latency communications. When instantiating an application, selecting the MEC host that minimizes the latency but still fulfills the application's requirements is critical. However, as future 6G networks […]

Tecnologías emergentes [Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS 2023]

Moderador: Natalia Costas, CESGA *  Smart University: plataforma para la provisión de servicios de valor agregado para la comunidad universitaria. José Vicente Berná Martínez, Francisco Maciá Pérez, Rafel Molina Carmona, Antonio Jimeno Morenilla, Jose Manuel Sánchez Bernabéu, Sergio Claramunt Carriles, Iren Lorenzo Fonseca y Lucia Arnau Muñoz (UA)  Diseño de nuevas economías Ignasi Oliva, Alfonso Egio y […]

Tecnologías de comunicaciones [Jornadas Técnicas de RedIRIS 2023]

Moderador: Toni Solá, UIB  Comunicaciones SDWAN en la UCLM Carlos de Manuel Clemente, UCLM  Ampliando las capacidades de una red Provincial (SD-WAN multiVRF). Eladio Maqueda Gil y Marcelino Gil Ramos (DIP-BADAJOZ)  Orquestación, automatización y virtualización (OAV) en el core de la red de GÉANT Carolina Fernández, i2CAT  Redundancia de la conectividad digital del Instituto de Astrofísica […]

Ciberseguridad aplicada al análisis de datos [Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS 2023]

Moderador: Inmaculada Bravo, USAL  Evaluando la visibilidad de tu SIEM Nil Ortiz, Albert Calvo y Alex Sánchez (i2CAT)  Inteligencia sobre amenazas y operaciones de seguridad Jesus Diaz Barrero, Director de Ingeniería de Sistemas SEUR Palo Alto Networks  Quien tiene un dato tiene un tesoro Nuria Prieto Pinedo, UC3M  Detección avanzada de eXtremo a eXtremo Joan Adroer […]

Tech Summit APWG.eu [Technological University Dublin]

Researchers Chalk-Talk: Future of Cybercrime Research Moderator: Dave Jevans (APWG/Mastercard) Michael O´Callaghan (UCD) Stephen Cobb Bernard Haslhofer (Complexity Science Hub Vienna) Jordi Guijarro i2Cat

TARGET-X First open call’s Q&A session

Any questions or doubts about the application process for the TARGET-X first open call? Join the Q&A session! What types of activities can be funded? What is necessary for a successful application? How do you apply? This free session will answer all your questions and guide you through the process for a winning application. Register […]

Horizon Europe Infoday Catalunya Cluster 3 – Seguretat civil per a la societat

En el marc del projecte OPTIMAL, hem organitzat amb ACCIO una sessió presencial on podràs informar-te dels detalls i resoldre els teus dubtes, conèixer casos d’èxit de Catalunya i saber quins són els serveis de suport d'ACCIÓ per acompanyar-te. Addicionalment, hi haurà un networking amb agents de l’ecosistema català interessats a participar en projectes del […]

Plenària Col·laboratori CatSud

El Col·laboratori Catalunya organitza la primera plenària d’aquest 2023 del Col·laboratori CatSud, que tindrà lloc el 18 de juliol de 12 h a 13.30 h. L’esdeveniment serà en format híbrid, presencialment a l’espai Valls Genera (Valls) i es podrà seguir virtualment a través de la plataforma Zoom. Les plenàries del Col·laboratori Catalunya, se celebren bianualment, estan obertes a […]

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