The Ministry for Digital Policy and Public Administration offers to six startups the opportunity to have a virtual stand on the European Blockchain Convention 2021


The major Blockchain event will be celebrated virtually from the 12th to 16th of April 2021

The European Blockchain Convention is a comprehensive one-week event filled with inspiring keynotes, panel discussions, workshops, one-to-one meetings, and high-level networking. More than 2.000 tech leaders, regulators, investors, corporations, developers, and entrepreneurs from the Blockchain industry. You can already buy the tickets on the official website. 

The Ministry for Digital Policy and Public Administration opened a call to select six startups related to Blockchain technologies and offer them the opportunity to have a virtual stand on the European Blockchain Convention with all these advantages: a dedicated chat, the option of performing virtual meetings with attendees and a demonstration video of the startup. 

If you wish to participate, you must fill this form and send it to [email protected] with all the following documentation and a file with the company logo to display on the conference website: 

  • A PowerPoint file or a similar corporate presentation in Catalan, Spanish or English up to 20 slides including.
  • Explanation of the product/service. 
  • A business model and a strategic plan.
  • Equipment.
  • Goals to be achieved by participating in the Virtual EBC.
  • The companies must be up to eight years old and have a minimum of three people fully dedicated to the project. 

The evaluation criteria will be: 

  1. Potential of the company: number of current customers, number of potential customers and to have a defined growth plan (25%)
  2. Entrepreneurial team: number of people involved in the project, level of dedication, the complementarity of profiles, and promoting partners (15%)
  3. Innovative business model: level of innovation, novelty, and originality of the product, service, or application in the market and future development possibilities (35%)
  4. Internationalization: the degree of internationalization of the company and its potential growth in global markets (25%)

The companies selected by the Government of Catalonia will be announced on March 17, 2021.

Check here all the information regarding the EBC.