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New Space Economy: an opportunity for companies

12 febrer 2020 - 9:00 // 13:00

The New Space Economy: an opportunity for companies conference, will talk about the promotion policies of the new space economy and addressed topics like technologies and possibilities of the new era, opportunities of undertaking in the spatial sector, programmes and financial aids and the possibility of colonising others exoplanets thanks to the construction of lunar bases with 3D technology. An initiative of Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona, in collaboration with Knowledge Innovation Market (KIM) Foundation.

During the event, it will be the presence of representatives of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona, ​​Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) and European Space Agency (ESA); companies like SpaceSur, GTD and Rokubun; and universities and research centres like Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), I2CAT Foundation (i2CAT), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), LEITAT Technological Center and Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC).


  • 09:00h · Register
  • 09:30h · Welcome
  • 09:45h · Promotion of the New Space Economy
  • 10:00h · New Space. Let’s make it possible, technologies and possibilities of the new age
  • 10:45h · Coffee networking
  • 11:15h · Astropreneurs: Entrepreneurship opportunities in the space sector
  • 12:00h · Lunar bases: Closer than ever
  • 12:45h · Interactive and open session of proposals
  • 13:00h · Networking
12 febrer 2020
12 febrer 2020
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Casa Llotja
Passeig D'Isabel II, 1
Barcelona, Barcelona 08003 Spain
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