Latest Past Events

Introducció al Blockchain organitza un curs de dos dies, en horari de 16 a 19:30h, sobre Blockchain. S'analitzarà què és, com funciona, quines variants hi ha, com es pot implementar i quin són els impactes més importants que es coneixen. La formació s’adreça a professionals de tots els àmbits i sectors que vulguin entendre la filosofia i […]

Cybersecurity Standardization and the Cybersecurity Act: Where are we today?

The conference will discuss the remaining challenges in the standardisation landscape for Cybersecurity in light of the new Act. The consequences for policy makers, industry, citizens, certification bodies, and the European Standardization System will be also covered. The draft “EU Cybersecurity Act”, proposed one year ago, intends to establish a European cybersecurity certification framework for […]

Connected Smart Cities Conference 2019

"The Connected Smart Cities Conference (CSCC) is the place for cities, policy-makers, researchers, and businesses to come together and to connect to the forefront of human-centric societal development of technologies, markets, and policy in the 21st century. In four tracks – Tech, Future, Green, and Funds – innovative minds will learn and discuss how open […]

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