Promoting joint projects and the transfer of knowledge of innovative solutions in applied artificial intelligence


The Centre of Innovation for Data tech and Artificial Intelligence is the AI Digital Hub Innovation in Catalonia to promote projects and the transfer of innovative solutions in applied artificial intelligence.

The CIDAI promotes the transfer of knowledge and the implementation of joint projects between knowledge-generating entities (universities, research and innovation centers), technology and service providers, and user companies and institutions demanding innovative solutions in applied artificial intelligence.

Estimated impact

  • Generate, validate and transfer of high-value-added AI technologies to foster innovation in the country’s strategic sectors, including utilities and the third sector.
  • To foster the IA Catalan ecosystem as an international reference point, creating a connected, active and dynamic community that involves most stakeholders.
  • Accelerate the adoption of AI in the business world and in society through outreach activities coordinated with different agents and the promotion of projects that reduce existing barriers.
  • To support in the construction of the strategic vision of the institutions and companies of the territory, and to promote the collaboration with the main national and international initiatives.

Promoter partners