Cognitive Decentralised Edge Cloud Orchestration

Started at: 01-01-2023
Ends on: 31-12-2025

Budget: € 6 060 537,50

Areas: Mobile Wireless Internet (MWI), Software Networks (SN) and Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI)


CODECO aims to contribute to smoother and more flexible support of services across the Edge-Cloud continuum by creating a novel, cognitive Edge-Cloud management framework. CODECO will implement software toolkits suitable for smarter managing highly distributed environments based on heterogeneous networks and integrating mobile, resource-constrained devices. The CODECO components shall extend the management and orchestration of Edge-Cloud services with cognitive cross-layer adaptability and with features that allow for intelligent decisions about computational offloading and network adaptation while taking into consideration application requirements, networking requirements, data security and sensitivity, as well as other context-specific aspects related with the data flow, which may emerge.

CODECO aims to support the next generation of smart services, focusing on dense deployments in B5G/6G services. For this, CODECO considers multiple use cases across different vertical domains (Smart Cities, Manufacturing, Energy and Smart Facilities), involving mobile, far-edge devices and addressing the IoT-Edge-Cloud orchestration based on a cross-layer approach that envisions data, compute, and network adaptation.

Within the project, the i2CAT Foundation will play a crucial role on the Work Package 3, “CODECO Basic Operation and Open Toolkit” Particularly, i2CAT will lead the Task T3.4 “Privacy preserving decentralised learning and context-awareness”, which covers the development of the CODECO PDLC component with its two main sub-modules:

  1. A Context-Awareness (CA) sub-module to collect information from the infrastructure (NetMA), applications and services (ACM) and data (MDM) layers of CODECO.
  2. A Decentralised Learning and Inference sub-module to analyse the monitoring data collected by the CA. This sub-module will integrate various decentralised learning approaches such as hybrid federated learning, Split Learning and GNNs to efficiently generate predictions and inferences while guaranteeing the privacy of the data and minimizing raw data sharing between the devices.

The i2CAT Foundation will also lead one of the use cases envisioned within the CODECO project: Vehicular Digital Twin for safe urban mobility. The aim of this use case is to demonstrate how the CODECO framework can support the deployment of vehicular digital twin services that enhance the safety of Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) in urban environments. The use case will feature a heterogeneous urban sensing infrastructure, including cameras and V2X Roadside Units (RSUs), which will feed real-time data to a vehicular digital twin service deployed over a 5G edge infrastructure. The use case will be demonstrated at i2CAT premises located in Barcelona.

Estimated impact:


  • CODECO’s open ecosystem strengthens European industry positioning in IoT and Edge-Cloud.
  • New business opportunities and models.
  • New jobs are developed due to the open ecosystem.
  • Facilitated support of third-party integration due to the cross-layer interoperability approach.
  • Accelerating the uptake of next-generation networking and service infrastructures based on the compute-network approach.


  • Increased QoE due to the support of user-centric services (integrating decentralised learning and user preferences.
  • Reduction in human intervention due to the higher degree of automation (operational team QoE) across critical sectors, e.g., Manufacturing and energy.
  • Better support for local services due to increased interoperability in Europe, e.g., via the interconnection to Gaia-X.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or [name of the granting authority]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


CODECO project has received funding from the European Commission programme Horizon Europe, under grant agreement number: 101092696.