
deployEMDS: European Mobility Data Space pilot deployment

Started at: 01-11-2023
Ends on: 31-10-2026

Budget: € 15 911 856

Areas: Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI)

deployEMDS empowers interoperable, trustworthy and accessible data sharing for mobility in Europe

Data spaces, Europe’s innovative new trusted, secure data ecosystems, are an important intersection between the European Data Strategy and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. As presented in the EC’s communication “Creation of a common European mobility data space (EMDS),” the data space vision applied to mobility and transport can greatly facilitate access, pooling, and sharing of data from existing and new sources by combining state-of-the-art decentralised technical infrastructure with a new generation of data governance frameworks.

Such an approach can facilitate challenges in multimodal travel, traffic management, and road safety; accelerate sustainable mobility and European Green Deal goals; and foster data-driven innovation in one of Europe’s most strategic sectors.

deployEMDS is the pilot project of the European Mobility Data Space for both data space technical infrastructure and new governance models. A collaboration of 45 partners through the Digital Europe Programme – public transit authorities, mobility service providers, data space technology developers, research centres and more, working together to implement, deploy and pilot over 16 EMDS use cases across 9 European regions: Barcelona (ES), Île-de-France (FR), Milan (IT), Lisbon (PT), Flanders (BE), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Tampere (FI), and Budapest (HU).

The i2CAT Foundation’s role in the deployEMDS:

Data space architecture development for the European Mobility Data Space (EMDS):

i2CAT is using its expertise to work with the European consortium on designing and implementing the data space technical infrastructure for the regional EMDS pilots. This expertise of i2CAT has also been used to develop the first data space testbed infrastructure in Catalonia with the regional government (Generalitat), forming the backbone of the Data Space Demonstration Centre of Catalonia, and used to build mobility use cases such as traffic optimization in the city of Terrassa.

Pilot coordination to integrate Barcelona into the European Mobility Data Space (EMDS):

i2CAT is coordinating the Barcelona cluster of pilots as 1 of 9 regions participating in deployEMDS. The primary use case is a collaboration with partners Autoritat del Transport Metropolità de l’Àrea de Barcelona (ATM, the local public transit authority) and Nommon (a mobility data analytics provider) on deploying a data space for a multi-operator data governance ecosystem for bus fleets and demand-responsive transport in the surrounding metropolitan area of Barcelona. Public transport operators will be able to manage their data with an ecosystem of third-party digital service providers, beginning with Nommon’s predictive analytics and decision-support tools. Additional stakeholders are involved in the scalability of the ecosystem, as well, such as EIT Urban Mobility.

The expected impact of the deployEMDS:

  • Evolve the European Mobility Data Space from vision to tangible pilots across key areas of urban mobility, such as multimodal travel and traffic management, and towards common goals such as reduced emissions, increased accessibility and use of public transport.
  • Empower the public and private sector of mobility and transportation value chains with data sovereignty, whereas data is managed by its owner in secure sharing ecosystems within a framework of trust and transparency.
  • Develop new or improved applications, services, products, processes by industry, in particular SMEs, supported by viable business models, due to increased access to and sharing of transport and mobility data.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”


deployEMDS project is co-funded by the European Commission, Digital Europe Programme, under the grant agreement number: 101123520