

J. Llobera
A new content format for Immersive experiences

IEEE International Workshop on Hot Topics for 3D 2016(standalone)

L. Goratti, C. Costa, J. Perez-Romero, O. Sallent, C. Ruiz, A. Betzler, P. S. Khodashenas, S. Vahid, K. Nasr, B. Abubakar, A. Whitehead, M. Belesioti and I. Chochliouros
Network Architecture and Essential Features for 5G: The SESAME Project Approach

5G-PINE 2016 (AIAI 2016)

Th. Zahariadis, P. Karkazis, S. Karachontzitis, G. Xilouris, D. Guija, E. Escalona
A Monitoring Framework for Heterogeneous NFV/SDN-enabled Cloud Environments

Network Mgmt, QoS and security for 5G Networks (EUCNC 2016)

I. Giannoulakis, G. Xylouris, E. Kafetzakis, A. Kourtis, J. Oscar Fajardo, P. Sayyad Khodashenas, A. Albanese, H. Mouratidis, V. Vassilakis
System Architecture and Deployment Scenarios for SESAME: Small cEllS coodinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services

Soft5G (IEEE NetSoft 2016)

J. I. Aznar, E. Escalona, I. Canyameres, O. Moya, A. Viñes
CNSMO: A Network Services Manager/Orchestrator Tool for Cloud Federated Environments

MedHocNet 2016 (standalone)

A. Tzanakaki, M. Anastasopoulos, D. Simeonidou, I. Berberana, D. Syrivelis, T. Korakis, P. Flegkas, D. Camps Mur, I. Demirkol et al.
5G Infrastructures Supporting End-User and Operational Services: The 5G-XHaul Architectural Perspective

5GArch (IEEE ICC 2016)

V. Jungnickel, M. Parker, J. Ferrer Riera, et al
Software-Defined Open Access for Flexible and Service-Oriented 5G Deployment

5GArch (IEEE ICC 2016)

A. Corici, L. Coetzee, D. Oosthuizen, M. Catalan, J. Castells, J. Paradells et al.
Towards Programmable and Scalable IoT Infrastructures for Smart Cities

MUCS 2016 (standalone)

S. León, J. Perelló, D. Careglio, E. Grasa, D. Lopez, P. A. Aranda
Benefits of Programmable Topological Routing Policies in RINA-enabled Large-scale Datacentres

IEEE Globecom 2016

P. S. Khodashenas, C. Ruiz, J. O. Fajardo, J. Perez-Romero, I. Neokosmidis, B. Blanco, J. G. Lloreda, J. Ferrer Riera, F. Liberal, T. Rokkas
Service Provisioning and Pricing Methods at Cloud Enabled RAN


A. Pagès, F. Agraz, R. Montero, G. Landi, R. Monno, J. I. Aznar, A. Viñés, C. Jackson, D. Simeonidou, S. Spadaro
Experimental Assessment of VDC Provisioning in SDN/OpenStack-based DC Infrastructures with Optical DCN

ECOC 2016

I. Amdouni, F. Hrizi, A. Laouiti, E. Grasa, H. Chaouchi
Exploring the flexibility of network access control in the Recursive InterNetwork Architecture

APCC 2016

P. S. Khodashenas, J. Aznar, A. Legarrea, C. Ruiz, M.S. Siddiqui, E. Escalona, S. Figuerola
5G Network Challenges and Realization Insights

ICTON 2016

Aguilar, M., Cassany, D., Fernández, S.
Analysis of User Behavior with a Multicamera HbbTV App in a Live Sports Event

ACM TVX 2016

E. Grasa, B. Gaston, S. van der Meer, M. Crotty, M. A. Puente
Simplifying Multi-layer Network Management with RINA

TNC 2016

J. Ferrer Riera, J. Batallé, J. Bonnet, M. Días, et al.
TeNOR: Steps Towards Multi-PoP NFV Orchestration

IEEE NetSoft 2016

A. Betzler, F. Quer, D. Camps-Mur, I. Demirkol, E. Garcia-Villegas
On the Benefits of Wireless SDN in Networks of Constrained Edge Devices

EUCNC 2016

Barros, M, Gavras, A. Corici, A., Catalan, M., Herrera. L, Castells, J. et al.
TRESCIMO M2M-IoT Testbed .Smart Cities Solutions in Europe and Africa

EUCNC 2016

J.Perez-Romero, O. Sallent, C. Ruiz, A. Betzler, P. S. Khodashenas, S. Vahid, K.M. Nasr, B. Abubakar, A. Whitehead, L. Goratti
Self-X in SESAME

EUCNC 2016

I. Giannoulakis, P. S. Khodashenas, C. Ruiz, A. Betzler, A. Albanese, J. O. Fajardo, E. Kafetzakis, M. Paolino, J. Garcia Lloreda, J. Pérez-Romero, L. Goratti, R. Riggio
Enabling Technologies and Benefits of Multi-Tenant Multi-Service 5G Small Cells

EUCNC 2016