The H2020 CARAMEL project, coordinated by i2CAT, presented its results last 21st of June


On June 21st, the CARAMEL project presented the results achieved since the beginning at Panasonic’s facilities in Langen (Hessen) in Germany

The results developed in cybersecurity for autonomous vehicles were presented to a panel of external observers. Representatives of the CARAMEL consortium members attended the meeting.

The presentation was divided into two sections. The first half of the day consisted of a technical presentation of the developments. The second part presented the technical part, in which simulations were used. 

The first section of the day started with a welcome message offered by the event organizers (Panasonic Automotive) and by the project coordinator, who also presented a technical summary of the project. After the introduction, the technical explanation of pillars 1 and 2 was presented in a live demonstration, using a vehicle in motion. The live demonstration topics correspond to the following:

  • Cyberthreat Detection and Response Techniques (Panasonic)
  • V2X interoperability (i2cat)
  • Revocation of certificates (Atos)
  • OBU HW antitampering (Nextium)
  • CARAMEL backend (Capgemini)

The second part of the day took place in the conference room prepared for simulation demonstrations. Each member had the opportunity to present the results of their research and integrations in mitigating cyber attacks on autonomous vehicles. The topics were subdivided into the pillars addressed by the project:

Pillar 1: Autonomous mobility simulations

  • Location Spoofing attack (AVL)
  • Robust scene analysis and understanding via multimodal fusion (UPAT)
  • DriveGuard countering camera attacks against autonomous vehicles (UCY)
  • Traffic sign tampering detection and mitigation (0Inf)

Pillar 2: Connected Mobility

  • Attack on the V2X Message Transmission (i2cat)
  • OBU HW antitampering (Nextium)
  • Certificate Revocation (Atos)
  • Collaborative GPS Spoofing (UPAT)
  • Holistic Situational Awareness with ML Application

Pillar 3: Electromobility

  • Remote detection of cyber attacks on EV Charge Stations from cloud back office (Greenflux)

Pillar 4: Remote Control Vehicle activities presentation

  • Intrusion detection and estimation algorithm in the Gateway & RCV controller

 On May, during the IOTSWC 2022, a webinar including an explanation was recorded. You can see the video in CARAMEL’s Youtube channel