Renewable Energy Cyber Security Forum 2023
Jordi Guijarro, Innovation Cybersecurity Director at i2CAT, will be a main speaker on the Renewable Energy Cyber Security Forum at Berlin.
Jordi Guijarro, Innovation Cybersecurity Director at i2CAT, will be a main speaker on the Renewable Energy Cyber Security Forum at Berlin.
A dedicated panel of the experts that have led this work from multiple positions (SB and TB chairs, 5G PPP WG chairs), will provide their insight about the results of the 5G PPP Programme, as well as the lessons learned so that the continuation framework (i.e., Smart Networks and Services) will provide even better results. […]
To get the CAM (Connected Automated Mobility) services off the ground in Europe the seamless 5G continuity has to be guaranteed and particularly whilst crossing the border between the coverage areas. The ICT-53: 5G for CAM projects (5G-Blueprint, 5GMED, 5GRoutes, 5GRAIL) are focussed on the validation of the latest available 5G specification in the context […]
Paper presented by Juan Sebastian Carmargo of Software Networks. In 5G Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is critical to bring computing and processing closer to users and enable ultra-low latency communications. When instantiating an application, selecting the MEC host that minimizes the latency but still fulfills the application's requirements is critical. However, as future 6G networks […]
Moderador: Natalia Costas, CESGA * Smart University: plataforma para la provisión de servicios de valor agregado para la comunidad universitaria. José Vicente Berná Martínez, Francisco Maciá Pérez, Rafel Molina Carmona, Antonio Jimeno Morenilla, Jose Manuel Sánchez Bernabéu, Sergio Claramunt Carriles, Iren Lorenzo Fonseca y Lucia Arnau Muñoz (UA) Diseño de nuevas economías Ignasi Oliva, Alfonso Egio y […]
Moderador: Toni Solá, UIB Comunicaciones SDWAN en la UCLM Carlos de Manuel Clemente, UCLM Ampliando las capacidades de una red Provincial (SD-WAN multiVRF). Eladio Maqueda Gil y Marcelino Gil Ramos (DIP-BADAJOZ) Orquestación, automatización y virtualización (OAV) en el core de la red de GÉANT Carolina Fernández, i2CAT Redundancia de la conectividad digital del Instituto de Astrofísica […]
Moderador: Inmaculada Bravo, USAL Evaluando la visibilidad de tu SIEM Nil Ortiz, Albert Calvo y Alex Sánchez (i2CAT) Inteligencia sobre amenazas y operaciones de seguridad Jesus Diaz Barrero, Director de Ingeniería de Sistemas SEUR Palo Alto Networks Quien tiene un dato tiene un tesoro Nuria Prieto Pinedo, UC3M Detección avanzada de eXtremo a eXtremo Joan Adroer […]
Xavier Marrugat is the speaker of this session, framed in the Intelcon Congress organized by GINSEG.
According to the GSMA, by 2030, 5G will contribute US$960 billion to global GDP. Digital transformation of sectors is accelerating as 5G becomes mainstream alongside 4G and enabled by other technologies being integrated into various aspects of enterprises, organizations and industries with the goal of improving efficiency, productivity and overall performance. Enabling technologies such as […]
Digital Innovation & the Power of Partnerships shaping a sustainable future In the ever-evolving digital landscape, fostering innovation and driving collaboration among digital ecosystems and nations is of paramount importance. This approach enables an open, innovative, sustainable and scalable digital ecosystem that encourages the proactive exchange of new ideas, collaboration, and strategic partnerships. Digital innovation is […]
La ràpida irrupció de les telecomunicacions i les tecnologies digitals a la nostra societat està produint canvis a tots els nivells. El sector de la mobilitat és sense dubte un dels que més està vivint aquesta revolució. Avui l’aposta és construïr vehicles connectats, intel·ligents, més segurs i impulsats amb energies verdes, canvis que ens aporten […]
La adopción de tecnologías emergentes por parte de las empresas tiene el potencial de mejorar sus productos, servicios y competitividad. Sin embargo, a pesar de estos beneficios potenciales, no todas las empresas, y especialmente las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) tienen capacidad para transformarse incorporando tecnologías digitales avanzadas. El año pasado, tres de cada cinco […]
ACM Multimedia is the premier international conference in multimedia. It covers multiple emerging fields focusing on advancing the research and applications of many media, including but not limited to haptics, video, VR/AR, audio, speech, music, sensor and social data. This year, ACM Multimedia 2023 will be held in Ottawa, Canada, from October 29 to November […]
The 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2023) will be held from 6 to 8 November as a stand-alone event in Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland. This year IEEE CAMAD will focus on "Connected and Collective Intelligence for Beyond 5G and 6G Technologies". IEEE CAMAD will […]
From 7 to 9 November 2023, the city of Dresden (Germany) will host the 9th IEEE Conference on Network Functions Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking (IEEE NFV-SDN 2023). This year's edition will focus on the foundation, design, verification, operation, security, and evolution of virtualized network functions, with the current emphasis on Cloud Native CNFs in addition […]
Sergi Figuerola is the main speaker of this talk framed in the One6G Summit 2023.
From 13 to 15 November, Baltimore (USA) will host the 2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (IEEE FNWF'23). This new edition will continue the path set in 2018 by the IEEE 5G World Forum in bringing together experts from industry, academia, and research to exchange their vision as well as their achieved advances in the […]
En David Sarabia,, recercaire de l'àrea IoT a i2CAT, participarà fent un pitch en el marc dels AIOTI Awards sobre els sensors RINA que estan desenvolupant en el projecte Terminet.
Barcelona New Economy Week – BNEW és un esdeveniment B2B físic i digital que reuneix esdeveniments singulars dels sectors d'Aviació, Indústria Digital, Mobilitat, Sostenibilitat, Talent, Salut i Experiència. Tots ells comparteixen un denominador comú: Nova Economia. La Clàudia Mateo, Senior Business Manager del sector de l'espai, moderarà la taula La Revolución Industrial del New Space […]
Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is the world's leading event for the AV and systems integration industries, which brings together professionals and companies within the field of technology in the media sector. In this edition, the central claim is "Connection Restored", and the fair will focus on the 360 experience of integrated systems. ISE will take […]