5G neutral host platform

Started at: 23-07-2020
Ends on: 22-01-2022

Budget: 100.000 €

Areas: Mobile Wireless Internet, Software Networks


NEUTROON is a standardized and a softwarized developed solution, implementing flexible network resources and architecture and creating a high performance / lower cost infrastructure compared to a hardware and vertical solution. So, it is suitable for ad-hoc services and small size organizations that operates telecom infrastructures.   The planned technical developments will focus on a software platform which allows an infrastructure provider to operate in an holistic manner an infrastructure composed of radio access devices (5G, 4G and WiFi), a transport network, and distributed data-centers, and deploy “as a Service” connectivity and compute services on behalf of its customers, which are expected to be Mobile Network Operators and vertical industries.  

Estimated impact

NEUTROON will allow platform owners hardware modifications without changing the management platform, which monitors activity and is used for billing. The main objective of the project is to reach TRL9 by validating the technology in a real operational environment with a small pilot capable to demonstrate key functionalities in a very compelling manner to engage investors and customers.   This project will also foster a paradigm shift within our research center creating a new organizational behavior more focused on transfer research outcomes to society creating companies or licensing technologies.


NEUTROON és una solució estandarditzada i programada que implementa recursos i arquitectura de xarxa flexibles i crea una infraestructura d’alt rendiment per un cost menor en comparació amb una solució vertical de maquinari. Per tant, és adequat per a serveis ad-hoc i organitzacions de petita mida que operen infraestructures de telecomunicacions.

Els desenvolupaments tècnics previstos se centraran en una plataforma de programari que permeti al proveïdor d’infraestructures operar d’una manera integral una infraestructura composta per dispositius d’accés per ràdio (5G, 4G i WiFi), una xarxa de transport i centres de dades distribuïts i desplegar-se com un servei de connectivitat i serveis de càlcul en nom dels seus clients, que s’espera que siguin operadors de xarxes mòbils i indústries verticals.


Impacte estimat

NEUTROON permetrà als propietaris de plataformes modificacions de maquinari sense canviar la plataforma de gestió, que supervisa l’activitat i s’utilitza per a la facturació.

L’objectiu principal del projecte és arribar a TRL9 mitjançant la validació de la tecnologia en un entorn operatiu real amb un petit pilot capaç de demostrar les funcionalitats clau d’una manera molt convincent per atraure inversors i clients.

This project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union in the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 with the support of the Secretariat of Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge -Generalitat de Catalunya.