Data space for mobility (deployment)

Started at: 01-11-2023
Ends on: 31-10-2028

Budget: € 9 794 280.31

Areas: AI-Driven Systems and Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI)


The AI4CI project aims to support European educational institutions in creating a new joint master’s degree program focused on applying Artificial Intelligence to Connected Industries. The technologies adopted in Connected Industries, including programmable network devices, embedded systems, robots, Industrial Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, are rapidly evolving and present specific challenges in integrating distributed and in-network AI algorithms. They include, for instance, extremely low-latency and high-reliability environments, network synchronisation, constrained computing for AI execution, and deterministic execution guarantees. The project aims to provide a cutting-edge, up-to-date master curriculum that covers all the latest advances in the design and operation of AI systems integrated with the Internet of Things, Cloud Networking, and Robotics technologies shaping the Connected Industry. The primary objective is to train at least 500 new experts in AI technologies for Connected Industries to reinforce the EU industry and scientific ecosystem and to graduate at least 250 among them. The joint AI4CI European master is designed to be deployed in 4 countries at 7 universities, with the integration of 5 SMEs and 3 research centres, one of them the i2CAT Foundation, supporting training activities and student professionalisation. With a rich and complete two-year program, AI4CI entails 14 core courses and 18 elective courses. It builds on a strong integration of academic and industrial expertise and provides remote teaching and tutoring of experimental projects: SMEs, research centres and academia collaborate in the 17 targeted Short-Term Courses on recent topics in the field with strong specific industrial connotations.

i2CAT participates in the project’s different Work Packages, focusing on Work Package 3 – Task Force on Artificial Intelligence and Automation; and Work Package 4 – Task Force on Internet of Things and Cloud Networking. Work Package 3 is devoted to teaching and training activities on Artificial Intelligence in constrained connected industry environments. Technologies for these environments have been emerging from R&D departments for more than a decade, but since the massive integration of AI in cloud and IoT computing, connected industrial systems have recently undergone a technological fusion with AI. Work Package 4, coordinated by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, aims to plan and execute the teaching and internship activity of implementing all the modules and STC courses related to IoT and cloud networking. It will guarantee the programs’ coherence and alignment with the contents and aspects of IoT and cloud networking, from fundamental ones to those more specific and affected by the integration of AI in closed-loop network automation. i2CAT will actively contribute to the three tasks overseen within this Work Package:

  • T4.1 Teaching, Internship and Apprenticeship Activities
  • T4.2 Programme Implementation and Improvement
  • T4.3 Short-Term-Courses

Estimated impact:

AI4CI can potentially bring some important benefits to society and strengthen competitiveness in different ways. Some of the key ways in which the project could contribute to these goals include:

  • Enhancing education and training in AI technologies: By providing education and training in AI technologies, the project will help to increase the number of skilled professionals and organizations that are knowledgeable about and proficient in using AI. This, in turn, could help to ensure that the region is well-equipped to meet the growing demand for AI-powered products and services and that it can remain competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.
  • Fostering collaboration and partnerships: By bringing together experts and practitioners from different sectors and countries, the project could help facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge and encourage the development of innovative solutions and technologies. This could help strengthen the overall digital technology ecosystem in the EU and support the growth and competitiveness of businesses and organizations in the EU.
  • Addressing skills shortages and gaps: By providing education and training in in-demand technologies such as automation systems and algorithms for connected industry environments, the project could help to close skills shortages and gaps and ensure that the EU has the talent and expertise it needs to meet the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. This could help to enhance the competitiveness of the EU industry and SMEs.
  • Skills Pact compliance: the project is completely aligned with the Skills Pact, one of the flagship actions of the European Skills Agenda launched in November 2020. This Pact aims to support public and private organizations with improvement and reskilling to thrive through the green and digital transition. The principles driving this Pact are to promote a culture of lifelong learning for all, build strong skills partnerships, monitor skills supply/demand and anticipate skills needs, and work against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities.
  • Excellence research centres: The consortium will leverage the presence of excellence research centres and Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), i2CAT, ITCL, and SMILE (via Systematic pôle de compétitivité), to fully benefit from their privileged position in the territory specifically regarding their knowledge of the local industrial ecosystem and connections with local businesses and industry experts.

By following these steps, AI4CI will be able to create a digital skills training program that effectively meets the needs of the local workforce and entrepreneurs and maximizes the potential of the research centres and digital innovation hubs. AI4C aspires to achieve more than 500 trained persons during the project.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”


The AI4CI project is co-funded by the European Commission, Digital Europe Programme, under the grant agreement number: 101123524