Presentació del laboratori The Thinx a la comunitat Sinergia

Pier01 Barcelona Tech City Plaça de Pau Vila, 1 Bloc A, Planta 3, Porta 3A1, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

  Sinergia organitza una jornada de portes obertes en què Telefónica i 5G Barcelona presenten el laboratori The Thinx, una iniciativa que neix de la col·laboració entre Telefónica, MWCapiltal i i2CAT per a incentivar l’acceleració de pilots tecnològics. El laboratori és fruit de la col·laboració entre Telefónica, i2CAT i MWCapital, aquests dos últims com a […]

Tours per a ajuntaments catalans al SCEWC

Fira de Barcelona Gran Via Av. Joan Carles I, 64, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat

SmartCatalonia organitza per 3r any consecutiu diverses visites guiades per a ajuntaments catalans a la fira Smart City Expo World Congress. Amb el suport d'i2CAT, els participants podran aprofundir en l’estat de l’art de les Smart Cities, conèixer les tecnologies intel·ligents més innovadores aplicades a l’urbanisme, la mobilitat o la governança, entre altres, i descobrir […]

“Satellites and 5G” industry briefing day workshop

University of Surrey Stag Hill, Guildford, United Kingdom

i2CAT Foundation takes part in the in the SaT5G Industry day event held in Surrey, UK, in the framework of H2020 SaT5G project. The workshop will showcase live 5G demos over real satellite networks, bringing the importance of satellite for 5G applications to life. The workshop will present project research findings, concepts and key innovations, […]

MED GAIMS’ Technical seminar on Experiential Tourism

Neàpolis Rambla de l’Exposició, 59, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain

The i2CAT Foundation participates in the MED GAIMS project on tourism gamification, which is holding its first technical seminar with renowned experts such as Paul Bulencea, Fabio Viola and Ghaleb Hijazi.

Blockchain Challenge

Espai Bital Carrer de José Agustín Goytisolo, 22-28, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain

The ‘Blockchain Challenge’ is an in-person 24h contest where participants are required to define and develop a system based on blockchain technology to identify citizens and economic activities that produce municipal waste, using a mobile app and recording their behaviour in relation to sorted waste, in order to encourage good behaviour. When: from 30th November […]

Esmorzar-networking: “Per què les empreses necessiten una estratègia en IA?”

movistar Carrer Fontanella, 2, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

El dimarts 17 de desembre el Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya (CTecno) organitza un esmorzar-networking per parlar de les oportunitats de futur que aporta la Intel·ligència Artificial per a les empreses i com aquestes poden millorar els seus processos d'automatització, la seva productivitat, la seva capacitat d'anàlisis... és a dir, la seva capacitat per fer un pas […]

SmartCatalonia Challenge-ARCA Presentation

Sala d'Actes, Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 612-614, Barcelona

Next March 5th, a new edition of the innovation competition SmartCatalonia Challenge, promoted by the Secretariat for Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia, will be presented at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food headquarters. Attendees will get to know this year's competition, which has been prepared in cooperation with the Association of […]

GameLab Conference

Gamelab Live is a global digital forum that engages the most influential games industry leaders around unique moments and meaningful conversations. Gamelab Live 2020 (16th edition) will offer free live-streamed talks and panel discussions that explore the value and potential of gaming in the future of our society, our culture, and our economy. The conference […]

Challenge with Associació d’Iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya (ARCA)

The Secretariat for Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia presented #ChallengeArca, the new edition of the innovation competition SmartCatalonia Challenge. This year's competition, which has been prepared in cooperation with the Association of Rural Initiatives of Catalonia (ARCA), haw 5 challenges and needs to solve with ICT related to the rural ecosystem. Awards: Best […]


Gamification for memorable tourist experiences  The MedGaiMS is a project of Mediterranean cooperation aiming to promote tourist destinations using digital and analogic gamified experiences. One part of the project consists of a call for entrepreneurs, creative workers, and private companies to develop game experiences in tourist destinations. The webinar will introduce the participation bases for […]

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