Gala Final SmartCAT Challenge

The SmartCAT Challenge final gala will unleash the participant that will be able to make a pilot in Sabadell city

Smart City Expo World Congress

A unique meeting spot for smart city sectors and an innovative platform for urban action worldwide

ICT 2018

i2CAT's participation at ICT 2018 altogether with 3 live demos of its projects VrTogether, ImAc and 5GCity

One5G and 5G-XCast

Workshop on “5G Advanced : The Next Evolution Step of 5G New Radio”@IEEE Globecom 2018

The Thinx 5G Barcelona

Public presentation of the open Lab The Thinx 5G Barcelona by Telefónica, i2CAT, Mobile World Capital Barcelona and Barcelona Tech City

Esmorzar-networking “Com fomentar i atraure el talent digital? Reptes i estratègies”

El proper dijous 17 de gener el Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya (CTecno) organitza un nou esmorzar-networking amb la col·laboració i patrocini de Barcelona Activa. La sessió, titulada “Com fomentar i atraure el talent digital? Reptes i estratègies”, analitzarà com resoldre la manca de professionals digitals a Europa i com fomentar la creació i la captació […]

Connected Smart Cities Conference 2019

"The Connected Smart Cities Conference (CSCC) is the place for cities, policy-makers, researchers, and businesses to come together and to connect to the forefront of human-centric societal development of technologies, markets, and policy in the 21st century. In four tracks – Tech, Future, Green, and Funds – innovative minds will learn and discuss how open […]

Cybersecurity Standardization and the Cybersecurity Act: Where are we today?

The conference will discuss the remaining challenges in the standardisation landscape for Cybersecurity in light of the new Act. The consequences for policy makers, industry, citizens, certification bodies, and the European Standardization System will be also covered. The draft “EU Cybersecurity Act”, proposed one year ago, intends to establish a European cybersecurity certification framework for […]

Introducció al Blockchain organitza un curs de dos dies, en horari de 16 a 19:30h, sobre Blockchain. S'analitzarà què és, com funciona, quines variants hi ha, com es pot implementar i quin són els impactes més importants que es coneixen. La formació s’adreça a professionals de tots els àmbits i sectors que vulguin entendre la filosofia i […]

NG112 Emergency Communications Plugtests™ event

ETSI, in cooperation with the European Emergency Number Association (EENA), is organizing the third emergency communications interoperability Plugtests™ event to be held in Europe with the support of ETSI SC EMTEL. This event will be located in the ETSI premises in Sophia-Antipolis from 28 January to 1 February 2019.

Workshop gratuït: ‘Recorregut per les Dades Obertes’

"Torna l’Escola Ciutadana de Dades Obertes al Citilab i, per inaugurar la formació del Certificat Professional Business Bàsic, el dimarts 29 de gener a la tarda se celebrarà un workshop gratuït que mostrarà casos pràctics per crear un portal de dades obertes i, a més, es farà una presentació de tota la formació. La sessió […]

5th OSM Hackfest


"ETSI's Centre for Testing and Interoperability and the OSM community organized the 5th OSM Hackfest on 4-8 February 2019. The event will be hosted by CTTC in Castelldefels (Barcelona), co-located with the OSM Mid-Release SIX meeting. This OSM Hackfest will allow new users to get familiar with OSM Rel FIVE and exercise all the main […]


"Wireless on-demand network systems and services have become pivotal in shaping our future networked world. Starting as a niche application over Wi-Fi, they can now be found in mainstream technologies like Bluetooth LE, LTE Direct and Wireless LANs, and have become the cornerstone of upcoming networking paradigms including mesh and sensor networks, the Internet of […]

Nit de les Telecomunicacions i la Informàtica

La Nit, organitzada conjuntament per l'Associació Catalana d'Enginyers de Telecomunicació i el Col·legi Oficial d'Enginyeria en Informàtica de Catalunya és el punt de partida de les activitats del sector a Barcelona i la primera trobada de networking de l'any entre professionals, empreses, administració pública, associacions i institucions del sector TIC.

8th Mobile IoT Summit

The 8th Mobile IoT Summit brings the latest industry updates from senior IoT experts to Barcelona. Maximising business value from LTE-M and NB-IoT technologies, the long term outlook for Mobile IoT in relation to 5G and examples of real customer deployments will be the focus of this year’s event.

Second Towards TeraHerz Communications Workshop

The 2nd workshop of the ICT Beyond 5G Cluster aims at bringing together key actors currently working on, or having interest, in THz communications in order to explore future R&I plans for the period beyond 2020.

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