Coordinated by i2CAT
Started at: 01-01-2018
Ends on: 31-12-2021
Areas: Digital Social Innovation
The Digital Citizenship Lab (Laboratori de Ciutadania Digital – LCD) is an initiative by i2CAT committed to the research and innovation on citizens’ digital sovereignty, the rights and duties derived from it, the new forms of digital democratic action and the civic technologies involved. This is all part of a research and innovation programme on the new digital and knowledge society.
The LCD has been conceived in three stages:
The areas and work lines of the LCD are:
– On-demand training at CatSud Collaboratory’s labs
– Executive seminar
– Permanent research seminar
– International seminar
– Contribution to the Catalan Letter of Digital Rights and Duties
– Documentation on eGoverntment, eDemocracy, eAdministration, eServices, Policy Labs, eCitizenship, Civic Technologies, Digital Communication, Digital Technologies
The Training area is driving the creation of the Master’s degree in Design and Management of Labs and Digital and Social Innovation Projects, promoted by i2CAT with the support of University of Barcelona (UB) and Cornellà’s Citilab. A tentative start date is set for October 2020 (Academic course 2020-21), and 45 teachers will be involved in the programme. This Master’s degree aims at training the next generation of professionals committed to the deployment of digital and social innovation.
The Digital Citizenship Networks area is promoting the Collaboratory 1.0 project, aiming at prototyping and validating a model for the creation and revitalization of local digital and social structures (so-called “collaboratories”), with the goal of being extended to the whole territory of Catalonia in a sustainable way. The co-design and validation of the Collaboratory is being undertaken in the south of Catalonia under the denomination of CatSud Collaboratory. The project is involving more than 20 organisations from the Tarragona area coming from the four sectors of the Quadruple Helix model, through their different labs of territorial, scientific/technological and entrepreneurial innovation. It started in October 2019 and will end in April 2020.
The Digital and Social Innovation Accelerator is an instrument created to coordinate the promotion and revitalization of the Collaboratory 1.0 project and other deployment initiatives of social and digital innovation labs and projects.
The Research Seminar is a space for reflection for LCD members to investigate and conceive the different ways of deploying the digital and knowledge society. How could we design a universal innovation system?
The LCD envisions a digital-based society that is socially cohesive, economically competitive and territorially sustainable.
The LCD was created to provide structures for the promotion and design of projects contributing to the deployment of new social structures within Catalonia’s digital and knowledge society. These structures are the innovation labs, which are being built on the basis of the new digital infrastructures and will enable the building of the digital and knowledge society.
LCD’s activities are expected to make Catalan territories more cohesive and dynamic by introducing new social structures, such as labs and “labs of labs” (collaboratories). Catalunya Sud, through the CatSud Collaboratory, is the first territorial area being addressed by the LCD. Other areas will follow, such as Catalunya Central, Catalunya Nord, Catalunya de Ponent, Catalunya Metropolitana and Catalunya Nord Oest.
A collaboratory is a union between labs and territorial organisations that have or create spaces for research and innovation. Collaboratories are designed in connection with the strategic plans, and drive local transformation projects with a supralocal impact.
The LCD has actively participated in the design of the Catalan Letter of Digital Rights and Duties and in the clarification of terms such as eGovernement, Citizenship, eServices, eAdministration, eDemocracy, Civic Technologies, Digital Communications and the analysis of the events of 1-O.
Artur Serra
Jordi Colobrans
Jordi Delgado
Mercè Molist
Rafael Nualart
Aquest projecte està cofinançat pel Fons Europeus de Desenvolupament Regional de la Unió Europea en el marc del Programa Operatiu FEDER de Catalunya 2014-2020.