Innovative Space Solutions
Space at i2CAT

Research to Enable Connectivity Everywhere

Space at i2CAT means communications. We research technologies that contribute to the creation of a new paradigm: access to connectivity anytime, anywhere.

We specialise in space communications and their connection with wireless communications. We focus on the intersection between ground-based and non-terrestrial networks and research how to adapt, integrate, and deploy terrestrial networks in space while offering a transparent experience to the end user. We develop and implement use cases that make use of these new communication technologies to solve the connectivity challenges of today’s society.

As a multi-technology centre, our knowledge integrates concepts from a broad spectrum of disciplines, such as IoT, AI, cybersecurity and software-defined networks.

Lighting Up the World
Applied Research to
Connect Everyone, Everywhere
From 3 to 6 of March |  Congress Square 210 | Booth 14

March 3-6, i2CAT returns to MWC Barcelona to present its knowledge in non-terrestrial connectivity. We investigate technologies that contribute to the creation of a new paradigm: access to communications anywhere, at any time.
This paradigm is getting closer thanks to the latest advances in both the field of terrestrial networks (TN) and non-terrestrial networks (NTN). i2CAT researches how to adapt, integrate and deploy terrestrial networks in space while offering a transparent experience to the end users, and develops use cases to solve connectivity challenges in various sectors.

NTN and the future of global communications

On 5 March, 4:30 pm, i2CAT will convene the Catalan, Spanish, and European space innovation ecosystems at the headquarters of the Districte Administratiu de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Barcelona) to explore the role of non-terrestrial networks in the new paradigm of anytime, anywhere connectivity. The session will address cutting-edge technological developments, market trends, emerging applications, and access to experimental infrastructure in orbit.

i2CAT space projects
Latest news
Media Impacts

Les constel·lacions de nanosatèl·lits reclamen la seva part del pastís de la connectivitat

L’Agència Espacial Europea tria Barcelona per combatre el canvi climàtic

El sector privado se reivindica como nuevo impulsor de la exploración espacial: “Hoy hay más gente queriendo ser ‘influencer’ que astronauta”

L’Enxaneta acaba amb èxit la seva missió espacial – Llengua de signes – 3Cat

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C\ Gran Capità 2-4 Edifici Nexus I
2ª planta 08034 Barcelona
Ph. (+34) 93 553 25 10
Fax. (+34) 93 553 25 20
Email: [email protected]

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