Open, Virtualized tEchnology demonstRators for Smart netwOrks

Started at: 01-01-2020
Ends on: 31-12-2022

Budget: 2.3M €

Areas: 5G & IoT - Mobile Wireless Internet, 5G & IoT - Software Networks, Media Internet


The main objective of Open-VERSO, the National Network of Excellence in 5G and future technologies, is to address the design of an architecture of a comprehensive 5G network, evolvable to 6G technologies, and aimed at creating a federated ecosystem that enables knowledge transfer to the industrial sector. The complete virtualization of network infrastructures, Artificial Intelligence, new vertical sectors, and a horizon of continuous standardization of 5G and 6G networks can allow consortia such as Open-VERSO position itself as key players in the evolution of next-generation mobile networks. All this under the creation of an ecosystem for technology centers by which the mutualization of their resources will be key to serve as a point of transfer to the Spanish academic and productive sectors in the context of the development and adoption of next-generation advanced mobile networks.

The Open-VERSO National Excellence network promoted by CDTI is part of the Cervera initiative for Technology Centers.

Estimated impact

Open-VERSO will design and develop a scalable architecture by evolving a set of cross-cutting technologies that will enable early prototyping and implementation of advanced concepts not commercially available. i2CAT will focus on the development, integration, and deployment of the following technologies: virtualized RAN controller; orchestration, monitoring and automation system for network resources and services; evolution of the 5G core network and the adaptation of a prototype of MCU for volumetric video to the virtualized environment offered by Open-VERSO.

Centro Excelencia Cervera